We celebrated Father's Day at Becky and Chris's home, the weather was beautiful and the food was delicious as always. Tony and Papa we're able to spend some quality time with Jack who just loved being outside all day with the boys :)
On the way down from San Luis Obispo we stopped in the cutest little town Los Olivos, every time we go there Tony talks about wanted to live there some day :) we'll see!
Well, this was Jack's longest car ride up to San Luis Obispo to see Uncle Chris Graduate with his Masters, Jack was proud. He did really well during our 4 hour car ride, we only had to stop once going up there and down.
He went from his back to his tummy on Monday and has been attempting it ever since. Only problem we're having is that he wants to roll over in his sleep now.
I was hoping that Rice Cereal would be the magically cure to really fill Jack up and hopefully eliminate his late night feeding but all it did was back him up, poor guy!