Sunday, July 15, 2012

Belated Fathers Day

I don't think I got any photos Father's Day weekend because Jack was sick, but here are some recent ones of the two of them :)

Fireman Jack

This was the best gift from our next door neighbors who are moving and had this in their backyard. I don't think they had any idea how obsessed Jack is with being a firefighter!

Belated Mothers Day

So yes from this photo you can see we are expecting! Best gift this year was finding out is we're having a girl! Jacks pretty excited too, it's very sweet :) Due early October.

Jacks New Bed

It was time to convert Jacks Toddler bed to his big boy bed, he loves it and uses it as another place to build and play

Jack the Builder

Jack loves to build and create things every day, it will be interesting to see what he grows up to be someday :)

Jack March-June

Random assortment of photos over the last couple of months, wish they were better quality off my phone but they're still cute none the less :)