Friday, December 25, 2009

My First Christmas 2009!

Not sure who looks more unhappy here, we just had to post this sad face...
Happier photos to come!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another Fun Playdate!

We visited Jackson (11months) this past weekend and Jack (9 1/2 months) had a blast. They actually played really well together and we were hoping Jackson would teach Jack the ropes on how to walk since he just started :)
My first Spaghetti, mmm,  mmm, mmm!
I think he really looks like Tony here.
Pajama buds :)
Hey don't I look sexy in a white collared shirt :)

My 1st Snow!

We were pleasantly surprised to wake up to a beautiful blanket of snow Thanksgiving weekend at the cabin. 

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

We were so excited to give Jack his first real Turkey un-pureed dinner and mashed potatoes, but he was on a food strike for 1 week and missed out. His loss.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Couch Monster

This is how we spend most of our evenings :)

9 Months is Fun :)

We're officially 9 months, can you believe it!!! Jack's into everything and movin' around the house like crazy. He loves to pull-to-stand on just about everything  he can get his hands on and thinks it's great to let go and stand for a brief moment. He's definitely keeping Grandma on her toes!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jack the Bear?

Well this costume was supposed to be a bear, but it's more of a lamb if you ask us. Either way it's totally adorable and we managed to squeeze a smile with the hat on which was not an easy feat!
A very passive trick-or-treater
"seriously Mom, stop poses me with all these pumpkins..."

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Run for your money.

This weeks been tough, we're crawling which is great but unfortunately we're not sleeping or taking naps for Grandma. Our little Jack just doesn't want to miss a thing!

Luckily there has been some light at the end of the tunnel, he has been napping again this weekend and sleeping through the night, let's hope this pattern keeps up :)  

Jack meets Clara!

I've know Laura since we were around 5 years old, and it's been so exciting having little one's in the same year! We finally visited little Clara who is just over 5 weeks old, she is very precious and petite and makes Jack look like a giant in these photos!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

We so wanna crawl!

In the last two weeks we've made some BIG changes, we are getting very close to crawling and can now push ourselves up to a seated position when on tummy. We also decided we can pull to stand in our crib, which caused us to lower it this weekend. This makes going down for naps and bedtime a bit more challenging but we're still on average sleeping through the night, thank god!!!!

Fun sounds :)

Jack is turning out to be a very animated, goofy boy who is full of great sound's definitely a boy thing!


We had a great Fall outing with the Family, it was a perfect day to get ready for Halloween!

Busy Month

Lumber Jack man!
Cousin Luke is getting so big!
Doesn't Daddy look handsome :)
Don't we all sleep this way?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Such a little boy now.

It's official, Jack is no longer a baby any more. He has become a little boy overnight, with quite the personality! I'm afraid he's going to think that his name is ham sandwich, since Tony calls him that 90% of the time  :)

First Official Playdate!

4 boys all within 2 months!
Kyle-Jan 31, Jackson-December 30, Jack-February 19, and Daniel February 12